Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today was a very eventfull day we put over 150miles on my truck today. We went to the big old south hills and we were very dissapointed by by them, they are nothing like the mountains at home. We also went to this place called star falls, it was just a part of this river that breaks up into little waterfalls, it was very pretty and it was nice to be able to put our feet in the water and cool down. Then we went to niagra falls which is a natural spring and it makes a waterfall down the side of the mountain, the water was sooo cold but it was the clearest water i have ever seen, it was also very blue, and very beautiful. Then we went to the buhl fish hatchery where there is a alligator pond that is fenced off with about 20 alligators in it. It was very interesting to see alligators in Idaho. Next to this alligator pond was a run off pond that has all the fish that have escaped from the fish hatchery. The fish were apparently very hungry because every time we would put our fingers in the water they would swarm up and nibble at them, Brian and I were screaming like girls but we still kept on putting our fingers in it (simple minds are easily entertained). Anyways it was very fun day and we say more of twin falls in six hours than we have in two years.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well again its been a long time

I know that it has been a long time since i have posted anything and i am very sorry. A lot has happened this summer as you all probably know Brian and I got married on july 11th and it was a beautiful day. All the planning and stressing out was very worth it and i had the wedding of my dreams. Everything about it was perfect and i am very grateful to everybody that helped us out and helped make the day happen.
Well I was going to post more pictures than this but its not letting me for some reason so i will try again another day. Other than that we bought a new couch with the money we were given for our wedding, I love it and it is so comfty, my naps have been greatly benefited because of it so thanks to anyone that gave us money. We also bought a new bbq grill and we have made very good use of it, we have been able to have lots of yummy hamburgers and hotdogs so yeah thanks again. Well school starts on the 24th and i am very nervous, I know its going to be hard but very worth it next year when i get my degree. We have had a very nice and relaxing summer and it was very nice to be able to take some time off school and get some well deserved rest. Brian sister (Kathy) moved in with us the weekend after our wedding, she is going to school up here to she is going for physical therapy (7 freaking years of school ugh, i couldn't do it) It has been pretty good, she is a little cleaning busy bee and I love it. My house has been cleaner this summer than i think it was even when we first moved in, I have been kinda slacking in the cleaning department. Bit all in all it has been good so far with her here and i don't think that it is going to be a problem at all. Well thats just about it for us this summer we have been busy but it has been a fun busy and i have really enjoyed this summer and can't wait until im done with school next summer. I love you all and hopefully i can get some more pictures uploaded of our wedding later since its not letting me right now. Hope you all had a good summer too!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I got accepted

So the other day i recieved a letter in the mail. This letter has been very much anticipated and i was very excited to get this letter (finally). This letter was my acceptance letter to the surgical technology program at the college of southern idaho. I am oh so very excited, I can't believe that it is actually happening. I will be a graduate of CSI in july of 2010!!!! I can't wait!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's been a long time

Sorry it has been so long. I have just been very busy with school, work, life, and trying to plan a wedding but i will try to catch you all up on what has been happening in my life lately. Well I am done with school until august (thats if i get into the surgical tech program) so thats good. I am very proud to say that i got a 4.0 GPA this last semester!!! Brian and i have been busy planning the wedding and getting everything in order, along with our families who have been very helpfull and i am so glad for that. We have taken lots of pictures and spent a lot of time in many stores picking and choosing different things. Let me just say it has been fun and very interesting but it will be worth it when the big day comes. Other than wedding planning we have just been living our lives the best we can, way up here in Twin Falls. All in all we have been good and life is excellent right now. Well love you all and hope to see you all soon!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life is Good

I feel like it has been forever since i have posted anything. Well let me catch you all up! Brian and I are doing really good and the wedding plans are going really smoothly. Thank god. I have been supper busy with school and work. School is going pretty good i got a little discourged a couple weeks ago with my psychology class but all is well now. Who ever thought that a subject about the mind and peoples behaviors would be so hard!!! Anyways i am hoping to be done with school by july 2010 and hopefully i will be moving back to cache valley where i can be closer to my family and friends. I miss you all so much and wish i could see you guys more than i do. Brian suprised me a couple of weekends ago and took me up to a place called Galena summit, which is between ketchum and stanley at the top of the mountain (paved roads all the way isn't that crazy).

We are standing on a icy snowbank ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN. TALK ABOUT SCARY!After we had our fun on the top of the mountain we went to sunvalley (this is were Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks have there mansions) and did some window shopping. We bought 4 pieces of chocolate that cost us $8 crazy huh. We also looked at some purses that were anywhere from $2000 TO $5000 (THEY WERE SO UGLY, WHO WOULD PAY THAT MUCH FOR AN UGLY PURSE). Man it would be nice to have that kind of money! At a place called sunvalley co. they have these ice sculptures that are really cool, they have a sun(which is their logo, a bear, and santas's sleigh)

We had lots of fun that day and it was just nice to see the mountains and to be out of twinfalls (the flatt lands is what i call them) I am a total mountain girl and so to be somewhere that is completely surrounded in mountains was awesome. I don't like being a flatt lander but i guess someone has to do it right! lol :) Well love you all and hope to see you all soon.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Sister

Today is my big sister kandice's birthday. I love her so much. She has helped me through so much and is one of my best friends. So kandice i hope you have a great birthday and i hope this new year brings you so much joy and happiness. Love you big sister.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh Boy ! ! !

Oh where do i begin . . . As you all might know we are tryin to plan a wedding, and it is totally overwhelming. Im just about ready to give up and just go to the court house... Oh don't worry i wont do that, I promise. Well I had lots of fun this last weekend my mom and Brian's mom came up and we all went to the bridal fair, and got some good ideas.

And then all us girls went to jackpot and had lots of fun on just a girls night out, Carla had never been there so that was lots of fun to show her the tricks of the trade. We had lots of yummy food and good conversations. Thanks guys for such a great weekend and hopefully we don't pull all our hair out before this weeding is done and over with. Love you all

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm officially engaged

So I finally got the ring of my dreams and I can't stop smiling. I absolutly love it and I love Brian with all my heart. The date is set for July 11th 2009 and I am so excited. It is truly amazing when you realize that your dreams are coming true. I love my life!!!!

Oh yeah i also got my hair cut and dyed today so I feel like a whole new woman!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Jade

Hey big bro I hope you had a very happy birthday. I am truly blessed to have you as my brother and I love you so much (even though you called me pissy poo princess)!!! I remember being little with you, playing cowboys and indians, dressing up at ashleys house, and even shooting you with the b.b. gun. Well love you big brother. Hope you had a good day.

Love You and Happy Birthday

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Well a lot has happend in 2008. Lets see we set a date for our wedding, I started school and rocked the first semester (3.75gpa). My handsome little nephew was born and im so proud to be an aunt. Unfortunatly im still living in Twin Falls, but all in all it has been a pretty good year and i look foward to another fun filled and prosperous year.

To all my family and friends that made 2008 a year great lets promise to make 2009 a really great year !!!

Love you all

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy birthday mom I hope you had a good one. I love you so much and i don't know what i would do if you weren't around. You have been the greatest mom a girl could ask for even though we didn't always get along and fought more than we should have i still love you with all my heart and know that you are always there for me. I truly cherish our conversations everyday and appreciate you letting me complain about work. Well I love you and hope you had a good day!!!