Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life is Good

I feel like it has been forever since i have posted anything. Well let me catch you all up! Brian and I are doing really good and the wedding plans are going really smoothly. Thank god. I have been supper busy with school and work. School is going pretty good i got a little discourged a couple weeks ago with my psychology class but all is well now. Who ever thought that a subject about the mind and peoples behaviors would be so hard!!! Anyways i am hoping to be done with school by july 2010 and hopefully i will be moving back to cache valley where i can be closer to my family and friends. I miss you all so much and wish i could see you guys more than i do. Brian suprised me a couple of weekends ago and took me up to a place called Galena summit, which is between ketchum and stanley at the top of the mountain (paved roads all the way isn't that crazy).

We are standing on a icy snowbank ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN. TALK ABOUT SCARY!After we had our fun on the top of the mountain we went to sunvalley (this is were Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks have there mansions) and did some window shopping. We bought 4 pieces of chocolate that cost us $8 crazy huh. We also looked at some purses that were anywhere from $2000 TO $5000 (THEY WERE SO UGLY, WHO WOULD PAY THAT MUCH FOR AN UGLY PURSE). Man it would be nice to have that kind of money! At a place called sunvalley co. they have these ice sculptures that are really cool, they have a sun(which is their logo, a bear, and santas's sleigh)

We had lots of fun that day and it was just nice to see the mountains and to be out of twinfalls (the flatt lands is what i call them) I am a total mountain girl and so to be somewhere that is completely surrounded in mountains was awesome. I don't like being a flatt lander but i guess someone has to do it right! lol :) Well love you all and hope to see you all soon.